A lot of story had to happen in order to arrive at this scene.
We will get to that.
But right now, another WordPress blog goes live.
That is not as dramatic as a big battle cruiser attacking a little spaceship with a princess and the data to to destroy the Death Star aboard. It is not so evocative as a priest of Apollo approaching the firelit camp of the Hellenes on the dark shore of Troy to beseech King Agamemnon, but it is my story’s entry point.
I have paintings to show and more art in the works. I have a couple books and many stories to publish. I am building a boat. I sing and play music too. Those are the four main prongs of my creative hay fork. But I make a lot of things! This is where I show or link to all that stuff.
Certainly, a blog is a form of social media, but it sure feels less boxed than Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram. YouTube, however, has proven a rich source of quality content, so I’m also working on my own channel behind the scenes right now. I just got my first video camera and am learning how to use both that and the rather daunting editing software for both video and audio.
So the best part of the story is yet to come, and we will get the back stories filled in. That is how epics are made.
[Featured image may be subject to copyright. I would happily credit the photographer if I knew who it was, but the art is by Charles-Antoine Coypel, “Fury of Achilles” (1737)]
Great start
Thank you, Mr Wunga.
Can’t wait bro…
Great! It’s pretty fun, actually.
Don’t know why I procrastinated so long. Er, maybe I do. I was thinking it had to be some huge thing, all perfect right from the start. That was wrong thinking. I’ll probably write about that.
Awesome! Looking forward to read your musing and see (and hopefully hear) your handiwork.
Hi Debbie! I’ll be posting at least once a week and not likely ever less. I’m building it up methodically, just like the way I paint.
I happen to be working on a background painting right now to replace the boring gray bar visible at this writing. It is of one of my sunflowers. I find something symbolic in that flower. Not sure what it is? They have such short spans under the sun, but they sure use the time they have to grow grand and full of seeds. I’ll certainly expand on those musings when I do get that image up — coming next!
And yes, some music too. I have a song I wrote about my cat that’s in Spanish and English because he is bilingual yet first evidently learned Spanish. (He knew “comida” — food, eat. It made his ears flick to me and got him into instant “feed me” motion.) It’s pretty cute, the tune I wrote. Kind of a kid’s song, actually. I was practicing it outside, and it made him come! I got that on video! (But you can’t see the cat in the video, I just laugh about it and greet him.)